We will provide a refund for the full price of any product properly returned by you in accordance with the terms of this returns policy. This refund excludes the original delivery charges and the costs of returning the product to us.
Refunds will typically be issued using the same payment method originally used for your purchase.
We will process your refund as soon as possible and, in any event, within 30 days following the day we receive your returned product.
Improper Returns
If you return a product in contravention of this policy (and where you do not have any other legal right to return the product):
(a) We will not refund or exchange the product
(b) We may retain the returned product until you pay any additional amount that we may charge for re-delivery of the returned product
(c) If we do not receive payment of this additional amount within 14 days of issuing a request for payment, we may destroy or otherwise dispose of the returned product at our sole discretion without any liability to you.